
Reducing harm caused by alcohol

Survey of professionals – experiences of dealing with disclosures from children

This survey is part of a UK-wide NSPCC research project, ‘Professionals Breaking the Silence’, the aim of which is to develop a practical resource that will support professionals working with children to confidently deal with disclosures of abuse and to improve children’s experiences of the disclosure process.

The study involves hearing directly from individuals about their experiences of dealing with disclosures and the survey has been created to gather the views and opinions of individuals who work both directly and indirectly with children and young people, for example: police officers, sports coaches, teachers, school counsellors, school nurses or anyone else who works in a school, youth workers, social workers, GPs, health visitors, foster carers, adoptive parents or anyone involved with children through the family court system.

The survey can be accessed here:    and it closes on Friday 23rd March.
