
Reducing harm caused by alcohol

Talking to your child about alcohol

Having a conversation about alcohol with your child is perhaps something you thought wouldn’t happen until they were a teenager.

However, as part of the curriculum in Scotland and the chances are your child will be learning about alcohol and other substances much earlier so perhaps being prepared and knowing the facts is something that you should be prepared for.

In addition alcohol is more heavily marketed and available that ever before meaning that even if you don’t drink or have alcohol at home, your child is still likely to be aware of it.

Alcohol Focus Scotland has just published the results of a survey which found 10 and 11 year olds were more familiar with beer brands than leading brands of biscuits, crisps and ice cream

If you are considering having a conversation with your child about alcohol or they are asking questions here are some places you can find facts, advice and guidance.

Alcohol Facts

Alcohol information for children and young people

Talking to your child

  • You, Your Child and Alcohol  << Click to download this leaflet for parents produced by Scottish Government giving facts on advice on talking to your child.