
Reducing harm caused by alcohol

PINS is the Pupil Inclusion Network Scotland – Come join us!

Educational inclusion and the poverty-related attainment gap are given a lot of focus in current policy and legislation. The challenge for practitioners, wherever we work, is how we tackle the practical day-to-day embodiments of such inequality and exclusion. Whether we work in school or community settings, in education or health, statutory or voluntary sector, it’s what we do to really make a difference that matters.


The Pupil Inclusion Network Scotland (PINS) isa national network funded by the Scottish Government Learning Directorate. Our aim is to build awareness with what’s happening in the world of educational policy and to share and highlight practice that creates the possibility of change for children and families. We are 10 years old with 1300 members, a majority are working with the most vulnerable and marginalised learners when it comes to formal or informal learning or support for schooling.


The PINS network operates online and our interests range from the early years through to post school learning. Members receive monthly e updates, membership is free, individuals join via the link from the home page. As well as a gateway to lots of useful information our ‘10 things we do to make a difference’ content on the PINS site is very popular and can be used to profile work from 3rd sector agencies. Our PINS blog is also the place to highlight policy and practice challenges and a place to ask difficult questions.


Come join us!


